viernes, 9 de enero de 2009

Pictures III - The highlights

The moment Kaisa accidently put her little finger in to the Holy Ganges

The chai masala tea !

The long journeys on the roads listening "suru teheran" and other hottest bollywood hits... repeatedly

Riding an elephant in Jaipur.

Delicious indian food.

Udaipur, suite and room service without extra charge (and the turbant..)

Pozu baking.

And.... Waking up at 5.30 in the morning after three hours of sleeping in a christmas day.

Pictures II - The top poses of Kaisa

Pictures I - The wildlife of India

Kiitos ja heihei, which means thanks and byebye!

Sankasta Delhiä riivaavasta sumusta huolimatta yhtäkään Intian sisäistä lentoamme kuin myöskään Suomen lentoamme ei onneksi jouduttu perumaan. Matka onkin jo ohitse ja onnellisesti ollemme takaisin kotikamaralla. Matkasta jäi käteen vauhdikkaat muistot, matkalaukullinen tuliaisia, parisen tuhatta valokuvaa sekä vaaleanpunaiseksi värjäytyneet valkopyykit. Intialainen vaikutus tulee varmasti näkymään arkielämässä ainakin ruuan muodossa jatkossakin :-) Jos Intiaan vielä jonakin päivänä pääsen uudelleen, niin suunnannen vielä pohjoisempaan - kohti Himalajaa, buddhalaisuutta ja Nepalia (Dalai Lamaa ja karmapisteitä unohtamatta). Kiitos vielä tuhannesti kaikille vaatimatonta blogiamme seuranneille ja tulukeehan maistelemmaan meidän superhyvää paneer masalaa!

Just wanted to thank everybody who has followed our blog. Even thought the trip is already over, we got some unforgettable memories, dozens of souveniers and about two thousand pictures (not to forget the pink colored whites..). If I ever end up in India again, i would head off towards the Himalaya, buddhism and Nepal, and of course the location of Dalai Lama... I mean - who would not dare to try accumulating his/her karma credits ?

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

India in the memory... namaste!

Y llegó el 6 de enero. Como si de 3 Reyes Magos se tratara, nos vinimos de Oriente en tan señalada fecha, con los regalos de rigor ;). Nuestras últimas horas en Delhi, y en la India por ende, las pasamos en Connaught Place, donde incluso vimos en el cine el último éxito de Bollywood: "Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi"-3 horas en hindi sin subtítulos :p-. El cine era más bien una tasca, gente hablando por el móvil, entrando y saliendo, etc...
El viaje de vuelta fue bien, grandes vistas del Himalaya desde el avión, y en casa puntuales.
Y como ésta es la última entrada que escribo, quería saludar y agradecer a todos/as vuestro seguimiento e interés en el blog; ha estado muy bien poder compartir con vosotros experiencias del viaje en "tiempo real" :).
Y por supuesto, gracias a Kaisa y Katri, por todos los buenos momentos vividos juntos :)!

English version too :p. January 6th: Our journey has come to its end. I am already facing the harsh reality of being back at work. Our last day in Delhi we watched a Bollywood movie -"Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi"-, and hung around Connaught Place, before enjoying our last dinner at the hotel.
The trip back home went ok, long but punctual :).
I'd like to greet you all, and thank you for your interest in our blog. It was very nice to share our experiences with all of you-in Spain, Finland, and other places too- in real time :).
And of course, I'd like to thank Kaisa and Katri for so many good moments together in India :)!


martes, 6 de enero de 2009

We love indian food!

Nothing but brief references to the food have been written in this blog. However, we'd like to do an exclusive indian food post, as it has been 2 and a half weeks enjoying it, so I think it's deserved! :)
Along these days, we have tried any kind of dish we have seen in the menus. Menus are divided in veg and non-veg food, because lot of people there are pure vegetarians. In fact, south indian cuisine is basically vegetarian, while northern indian recipes include lamb and chicken among their dishes.

And, of course, the famous tandoori, the well-known clay oven in which some delicious dishes are cooked.
Tikka -marinated-, butter masala -cooked in butter with spices-, and many other "surnames" more can be added after chicken, lamb , paneer -cottage cheese-, aloo -potato-, dal -lentils-, palak -spinach-, etc... we don't remember any bad dish at all, even we used to choose always new things in order to get an overview of the indian cuisine. All of them eaten with rice and the tasteful breads: roti, chapati, and especially, our favourite, the naan. All these preceded by starters like samosa -deep fried veg or chicken paste- or pakora -made of veg, chicken, paneer-... and followed by lassi -yoghourt drink- or sweet cheese balls.
For breakfast, poori bhaji -special round bread with potato and peas- or paratha -stuffed bread, with potato or other ingredients-.

Our passion led us to the already mentioned cooking lessons in Udaipur. In those, we used many spices in order to elaborate exquisite sauces and dishes, such as red hot chili, turmeric, coriander seeds, fresh coriander, fennel seeds, fennogreek seeds and leaves, mustard seeds, cummin seeds, green and black cardamom seeds, curry leaves, asafetida, amapole, ginger, cloves, pepper, mango powder and others. We brought home all these up to 5 kg or something :)!
After each meal, or for breakfast, tea was a must. Our usual picks were the honey ginger lemon tea and the chai masala, aka indian tea. Chai masala is a mix of spices that, when added to the tea -Assam tea better than any- together with some milk and sugar, brings a superb flavour to our mouths.
Now, it's time to go back to our usual food, but we'll try to develop our indian cooking skills, and above all, never forget the flavours that accompanied us in so many good moments along our indian journey.

lunes, 5 de enero de 2009

Are you sure this is the way, Narish?

Unas lineas para hablar del hombre que nos condujo de Delhi a Udaipur a traves del desertico Rajastan: de nombre Narish, de apellido no se, probablemente Murphy, dado que en cada cruce iba por el camino incorrecto :p. Pero, por mirarle el lado bueno a esto, asi vimos mas cosas! ;)
La verdad es que su ingles era mas que limitado, y nuestras conversaciones probablemente se parecieran a las de los conquistadores en las colonias o las mias con un zulu. era reconfortante conseguir sonsacarle la informacion que queriamos a la primera :D! Pero por encima de todo, Narish es un gran chaval, muy buen tipo, siempre atento y dispuesto, ademas de "buen conductor" -al estilo indio me refiero :p-. Aunque siempre mantenia las distancias, acabamos teniendo cierta complicidad. ha sido una pena no tener al lado alguien a quien preguntar cada tonteria que nos venia a la cabeza a lo largo del camino, pero nuestro conductor teorico tuvo un accidente de moto unos dias antes. En resumen,Narish, un buen tio.

Rajastanin kiertomatkaa varten olimme jo Suomessa suositusten perusteella ottaneet yhteytta paikalliseen oppaaseen/kuskiin, joka ystavallisesti jarjestelikin meille majoitukset, oppaat ym toivomustemme mukaan. Delhiin saavuttuamme saimme kuitenkin kuulla etta han oli joutunut moottoripyoraonnettomuuteen, joten hanen firmansa oli jarjestanyt meille toisen kuskin hanen tilallensa. Naris - uusi kuskimme - oli ihan mukava tyyppi. Meidan huonoksi onneksemme kuitenkin han vaikutti olevan Intian ainoa henkilo joka ei osannut englantia, ja muutenkin vahan tumpelo. Kiertomatkallamme kaupungin rajojen sisapuolelle saavuttuame alkoi aina sama rumba, kun kuskimme pysahtyi jokaisen risteyksen jalkeen kysymaan suuntaa ( usein risteysten valillakin). Eika ollut yksi tai kaksi kertaa kun kuskimme lahti ajamaan juuri vastakkaiseen suuntaan kuin juuri oli saanut ohjeet. Sahlaamisesta huolimatta loppujen lopuksi aina loysimme hotellimme eika suurempia ongelmia sen suhteen sattunut. Matkanjarjestajaan olimme kuitenkin vahan pettyneita etteivat pystyneet parempaa palvelua tarjoamaan. Alkuperainen yhteyshenkilomme (joka siis jalka kipsissa) oli kuitenkin useasti yhteydessa ja yritti parhaansa mukaan tehda matkastamme onnistuneen. Ja onnistuneeksi sita voi kylla kaikesta huolimatta sanoa!

Udaipur & shop till you drop

Udaipur. What a perfect city to finish our roadtripping. This beautiful and calm city is also called the Venice of the East! Maybe I wouldn't underline that, though.. But it has it's own very special atmosphere with the Pichola lake, palaces, temples, nice hotels, boat rides. This city is famous for its artificially made lake, the largest one in the whole Asia.

Udaipur has been a kind of final test for our shopping skills. And I found us very good at it! We've become extremely good & convincing bargainers (or that is what we want to think) :).
Besides the shopping we've also enjoyed some massage, great rajastanian food... and what's the most important one - We took a cooking class! The course was great and inspired us to make a huge list of spices we wanted to carry with us back to Finland and Spain.. Eventually we did empty one whole shop of spices, and we got also a honourful mention from the shop keepers that we are the biggest indian-food lovers he has ever met :D (first they were wondering if we were running some kind of indian food business in Finland because buying so big amount!) Well.. now we have nothing else but spices in our luggages :D

Another important thing to mention is our hotel in Udaipur! I got the best christmas present ever > a luxury suite room with a awesome lake view! I just couldn't stop laughing hysterically (of happiness) when I saw the room. The room was so ROYAL and romantic! And we got our days as Maharanis and Maharaja.

Back in Delhi 4.1.09!
So, Christmas and New Year's Eve have now gone by and we are preparing ourselves and souvenirs for the trip back home..

sábado, 3 de enero de 2009

Udaipur, relax y ocio

Es nuestra ultima noche en Udaipur. Llevamos aqui desde 2008! :p Hemos pasado 4 dias por fin tranquilos en un sitio, que ya nos apetecia.
La Nochevieja la pasamos en una fiesta que organizaba el hotel, en la azotea. No hubo champan, sino cerveza, y tampoco marisco sino exquisita comida india. La fiesta comenzaba a las 7 de la tarde, aunque nos unimos mas tarde. Musica disco de los 90, mucho reggaeton, y algo tambien de musica india. Los indios no paraban de bailar como locos, y algun turista perjudicado les acompanaba :). A las 12, fuegos artificiales y a la 1.30 todo acabado :(.

El resto de dias, vueltillas por la ciudad, visita al Palacio de la Ciudad con su correspondiente museo, un paseo en barca alrededor del gran Palacio del Lago -Udaipur es una ciudad que esta a las orillas del lago artificial mas grande de Asia, y en mitad de el hay un Palacio-Hotel, cuyas habitaciones iban desde los 600 euros hasta los 10000 $ por noche-.
Han habido varias sesiones de regateo por las calles, que ya tocaba comprar alguna cosilla, aunque no se como va a encajar en la maleta :p.

Y, como no, cursillo de cocina india! :) Ya os podeis preparar que mas de uno sera conejillo de indias de mis obras culinarias ;). Fueron 2 horas en las que aprendimos las bases de como hacer los curries, pan y alguna otra cosa. Despues, nos comimos nuestra clase, jeje, estaba rica rica! :)
Y manana, vuelta a Delhi, ultima etapa antes de la cruda realidad... que si, que se os echa a todos de menos, pero unos dias -meses ;)- mas ya me quedaria por aqui :). Me voy, que toca sesion de masaje :).

jueves, 1 de enero de 2009

Feliz 2009!

Desde Udaipur, queremos desear a todos/as - y especialmente a los que nos siguen el blog :)- un feliz 2009! Que se cumplan vuestros deseos! Y con salud!

Varikasta Uutta Vuotta 2009 kaikille !

Happy New Year to everybody!

We celebrated the New Year's Eve at the roof top restaurant of our hotel in Udaipur. We heard all the hottest pop hits from the 90's (as well as the bells of the oppositing Jagdish temple), people danced and the food was excellent.

Otimme uuden vuoden vastaan Udaipurissa hotellimme kattoterassilla syoden hyvin (ja tuplahinnoin) ja popin soidessa kilpaa vastapaisen Jagdish temppelin kellojen kanssa. Tasta on hyva jatkaa matkaa uusin kujein!

T. Katri, Kaisa ja Haveli